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We Just Knew         Yesterday mom and I visited an assisted senior facility. When we walked in to the place… it hit me. I knew, we knew.  It was a respectable place. But, I knew it wasn’t for her. Nonetheless, I walked in behind her. I sat in a chair in the community lounge as we waited for our tour guide. A couple of years before my dad made his transition, I remember encouraging him to retire from his second career as a pastor. After occasionally attending when I was in the city the last few years before her retired from the church he'd pastored for over 30 years, I sensed that he was becoming less of who he had been – a sharp, passionate, caring pastor. I sensed that his congregation had difficulty understanding and following his messages. Or, perhaps, I had difficulty following them and assumed they did also. But, because of my experience I advocated for his transition out of his pastoral role. Others within the church did so as well. I really thought I was doing

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