Silver Slippers...

Yesterday was mom’s birthday. She made 81 years. It was a beautiful day and she enjoyed the attention of the many people whose lives she has and continues to touch. Family members, friends,
church members and everyone in between showered her with gifts, food, and calls and cards.

Given that I was jet lagged from traveling across the country and into LA the night before, I sat back and took it all in.  She received so many phone calls, and visits, and lunch invitations, and cupcakes. All kinds of acknowledgements. It was another birthday fit for a queen! I sat reflecting on the reality of our lives now, in this moment, and imagined what she must be feeling. For me, the silver shoes said it all. 

Here is a woman who is living into her 80s still thriving. Her choice to wear silver shoes on her birthday meant she was really celebrating!  The silver said to me… I’m spunky and living a life that is vibrant, I’m still shining.  The casual silver shoe said to me… I’m active and real, doing the things I want to do, I’m capable and independent.

And you know what, that’s exactly who she is and more! I love it and hope that I have a similar experience at her age should I be blessed to live a life of longevity. But, while she is these things, she also has days where she is challenged to know where to go and what to do next knowing that with each year that passes, she may one day no longer be able to be and do these things. Thinking about such weighty things is heavy on her some days.  On those days, admittedly, I am challenged in my role as supporter. I do not always know what to say or do, except to remind her of God's faithfulness.   

The best we can do, together, is to embrace each day as a gift, a day of grace. We can continue to celebrate the birthdays and everyday as such.  None are promised, so there is even more reason to celebrate and to appreciate where we are today... thriving... laughing...sparkling... shining! Period!  And, with God’s help and faithfulness, compassion, and love we will get to what’s next in each daily decision we make on each grace-filled celebratory day we are together.  


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